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Once again the Boatshed are coming down with their boats and coaches to run there holiday sailing programs over three days. Whether you are brand new to sailing or have previously completed tackers or Out There Sailing, This programs offers something unique, fun and the chance to learn new skills and meet new people whilst playing around in boats.
Tackers is a fun introductory, games-based sailing program designed for kids aged 7-12 yrs, delivered at recognised Tackers Centres, predominantly who are affiliated sailing clubs. Kids don’t need to have any sailing experience or club membership to participate. All the equipment, including the boats, is provided.
Tackers Fun @ Townsville Sailing Club - Have a Go - YouTube
OutThere Sailing is a new Australian Sailing program offering teenagers the opportunity to experience and develop their skills in sailing. It's a fantastic way to get out on the water, make new friends and learn exciting and valuable skills that will help now and in the future. The program is for 12-17 year olds who have never sailed as well as those who have sailed before in Tackers or school programs. In most cases you will be on the water from day one as part of a group, or with your friends with an instructor close at hand.
For more info and to register head to Portland - Portland Yacht Club - The Boatshed